@Giles Gray:
Yes, I would have gladly attended. I'm not afraid of nor angry with any individual JW. Even if (and this is purely hypothetical) I would have come to understand that me attending would be a starting point to DF me, I would have gone. JW rules do not apply to me and I will not have my decisions influenced by their bullshit manipulation and abuse.
Other never-JW people will be at the party too. Apparently they are much better company than I am :-D
The host explained he wants a happy party without any tensions. He simply doesn't want to deal with JW staring me down, complaining or leaving upset. That wouldn't be much of a party. So he chose to be egoistic (his words) and sacrifice me instead of multiple others. He just doesn't want to take a stand for the principles involved. He simply wants to throw a party. At least he's honest and decent about it. And after all, it's his party and he can invite and uninvite anyone he likes...
But it's sad that some/many JW can't even stand to be in the same room as someone who no longer believes as they do. Petty, narrow minded, and terrified wimps.